DCMSLab@NCTU.Taiwan Published Applications :

Love Michelin Taipei Taiwan was removed
花式綁鞋帶 was removed
跳舞吧人妻Android APP下載:http://goo.gl/n9l0uAPP簡介交大正妹舞蹈老師Anna與五位美魔女,熱血製作2013的舞蹈塑身教學APP.。針對不同部位,一分鐘學會簡單舞蹈動作,三分鐘持之以恆鍛鍊,雕塑出女人最渴望的完美曲線。跳出健康、舞出活力,妳絕對是正妹,Let's...
硬!來做操Android APP下載:http://goo.gl/OZmSZAPP簡介無論從事哪一項運動,暖身運動都是很重要的,然而忽略暖身運動的人卻不少,大多數的人都因嫌麻煩而隨便做做便草草結束,有的人甚至連暖身運動都不做,結果不但使運動效果大打折扣,甚至造成運動傷害,輕者引起肌肉僵硬,身體變得「硬梆梆」的,嚴重的甚至整個人變成一具冷冰冰的「雕像」,成為「硬像館」的一員。...
Android APP下載:http://goo.gl/PvgWN=======APP簡介=======...
Walk POP was removed
"OurCityLove Friendly Restaurant Guide Taipei"APPFor people with disabilities, parents with strollers, senior citizens and their families and friends, it has always been a headache when...
竹縣達人圖 Smart Tour Hsin-Chu County Taiwan1.創意玩客庄:6條新竹縣私房主題創意遊程不容錯過...
We train and hire persons with disabilities to survey accessibility and service information regarding restaurants, and share the data with the public via the Friendly Restaurant APP that has been...
"OurCityLove Friendly Restaurant Guide Hong Kong"APPFor people with disabilities, parents with strollers, senior citizens and their families and friends, it has always been a headache...
友善新竹小兒科APP每個爸爸媽媽都有過在半夜或假日,孩子生病、發燒、牙疼,心急萬分到處找醫生的時刻!友善新竹小兒科APP四大貼心功能,讓新竹縣市的家長們再也不煩惱:1. 急診看醫生:快速查詢新竹全國首創的各大醫院小兒科專科醫生在急診室夜間駐診時間 2. 週日看醫生:附近哪些看小朋友的診所禮拜天有開?何時有開?APP快速打個電話確認3....
Friendly Metro Taipei APP 2015The disabled and the designers creating shared values and making a city more friendly, is the design concept of our innovative public space guiding service, the...
"OurCityLove Friendly Restaurant Guide Hsinchu"APPFor people with disabilities, parents with strollers, senior citizens and their families and friends, it has always been a headache when...