HKU POP Published Applications :

Since the establishment of WAPOR in 1947, this year’s annual conference to be held in Hong Kong is the first time ever in 65 years that WAPOR holds an annual conference outside Europe and North...
For tablet user, please download the application from this link: an independent academic institution, Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong...
"POP" 是香港大學民意研究計劃 (Public Opinion Programme, The University of Hong Kong) 流動應用程式,主要功能包括: 1. 最新民意研究資料 (包括特首評分(CE Score), 民情指數 (PSI), 慎思民調 (Deliberation))2. 民意討論 (提供網上民意討論平台) 3. 更多資訊...