R4HS Inc. Published Applications :

"Two co (weak) system (overcoming) systems (qualification) apps measures (test)" This app is.The present application Nikoshishi-IT exam passport (Lite)] is a learning app for...
It is an application that was developed in the course of practical application smartphone apps iMOS Ms. Ishimaru and Mr. Azuma.And identify the jackpot edge with probability one-half.To re-select...
It is an application that plays a sound buzzer to detect in real time the motion was on camera.You can adjust the slide bar detection sensitivity (SensorLevel).Buzzer sounds during detection, the...
Blood glucose, HbA1c, blood pressure can be recorded is.Blood glucose and blood pressure can view a list of every year and lists per month. Since the state is well known color-coded according to...
Sign up for the price per unit, you can see which one is cheaper.------------------------------------------------It is an app that was developed by Mr. SYoshida introductory course cram information...
It is the application of Mr. watanabe was developed in the course of practice application smartphone apps iMOS.I want to display the address of the center of the map MapfanWe can choose when you...
It is the app has been developed in the course of practical application smartphone apps iMOS Mr. Konno, Kobayashi, Ms. Daitoshi.Shapes of colored squares on the screen comes out.Please choose the...
This is an android app CircleSpiral's preview version.This provides you with a kind of touch based UX(user experience) and you might be able to enjoy the something new UX.
This app is a thing that was created as part of the PR "of the best hot spring Shizukuishi Oshuku of Iwate Prefecture."Ver 1.0 with this release is a beta version.Display the...
Can you count the seconds correctly?Please try to use it to sharpen the sense.--------------------------------------------------It is an app that was developed by Mr. Koji Fujimura in Android...
This app is a simple discount calculation.Take advantage of the calculation when shopping.------------------------------------------------"It is an application that was developed by Mr....
Alternately changes the color start button is pressed. Came out red,Winning score goes up when you tap quickly, the faster the speed gradually.The current score and the highest score will be...
RY Calc is Indian Rupees and Japanese Yen calculator.You can convert Rupees value into Yen value and also Yen value into Rupees Value.This is very simple application. So the rate is fix.
It tweets in Japanese that ”I'm drinking now."
iMOSのスマートフォンアプリ応用実習コースで開発したしたKato VS Iwahanaさんのアプリですひたすらじゃんけんをする暇つぶしゲームです。
「 デカ文字くん V1.2...
This application can brighten up your device's screen only when you unlock the keyguard!,Even if you have set "screen brightness" any value.
Make a trivial photomontage easily! :-D
写真を整理しやすく、あらかじめ自身が思い出しやすい名称をつけておく<このアプリについて>このアプリケーションはスマートフォン応用実習コースの受講生である小窪高城さん(自称 最高齢Andoroidアプリ作成者)+影武者O氏が実習の中で開発したものです。
判定時刻に雨が降っていた場合、遅延時刻にアラームがなります。降雨情報は下のサイトから取得しています。http://tenki.jp/webservice/rss/(日本気象協会 tenki.jp) ※テスト不足なので一度試してから使ってください。-----------------------------自習支援型Androidアプリ開発勉強会で開発したOさんのアプリです。
Windowsのショートカットを学ぶためのアプリです。ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー自習支援型アプリ開発勉強会にて、Ryotaro Yoshidaさんが開発したアプリです。