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Fraction Calculator screenshot 1
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Fraction Calculator screenshot 3
Fraction Calculator screenshot 4
Fraction Calculator screenshot 5
Fraction Calculator screenshot 6
Adds, Subtracts, Multiplies,Divides, raise the Power and Inverse of any Fractions. Display the answer in mixed, simplified or decimal number form just pressing the fraction button. Find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of two integers. It is almost a scientific calculator. • Convert decimal number to fraction and fraction to decimal number. 1.4 becomes 1/2/5 or 7/5, 5/2 becomes 2.5 or 2/1/2. • Simplify a fraction. 485/25 becomes 97/5 or 19/2/5 or convert to decimal 19.4 • Enter decimal, mixed fractions and fractios in a single calculation. Example 1/4 + 1/2/2 + 24 * 3 = 297/4 • Get the raise power of a fraction. Example 5/3^3 = 125/27 • Get the inverse of a fraction 5/4^-1 = 4/5 • Use parentheses...