황수근 Published Applications :

What do you need if you have trouble to get up in the morning?It's just a smart and reliable Alarm Clock!Dumb as a widget, stopwatch, timer, clock, schedule calendar.The best point it is easy...
V1.2 2012.07.15update contentadd battery state iconV1.1 2012.07.13simple digital clockPress the Menu key alarm / clock and can be integrated.
What do you need if you have trouble to get up in the morning?It's just a smart and reliable Alarm Clock!Dumb as a widget, stopwatch, timer, clock, world clock, schedule calendar.The best point...
휘파람을 불면 핸드폰이 알람을 울리는 어플입니다.집이나 외부에서 핸드폰이 보이지않을시 휘파람을 불면 알람이 울리게되 쉽게 핸드폰을 찾을수 있습니다.많은 이용바랍니다.----개발자 연락처 :hwangsugeun@gmail.com