Liang Cheng Lee Published Applications :

The APP is a drawing tool that is suitable for children and adults. Support image stamp function, built-in variety of lovely texture maps that can drag and drop. You can combine the image stamp and...
The software is a painting and photo decoration tools suitable for all ages, using rainbow brushes to sketch, paint, doodle and draw. You can draw on a color canvas, or decorate any of your photos...
Animated Paint Pad is a drawing tool that is suitable for children and adults ,allowing you to sketch, paint, doodle and draw with your fingers. Create amazing black or white or color sketches with...
  本程式包含中文繁體與簡體版,分為七大部分: 1.袁天罡稱骨算命 2.周易姓名五格吉凶算命 3.生肖分析 4.姓名配對測試愛情 5.生肖配對測試婚姻 6.測字算命...
  ****** 無廣告付費版 ******  本程式包含中文繁體與簡體版,分為七大部分: 1.袁天罡稱骨算命 2.周易姓名五格吉凶算命 3.生肖分析 4.姓名配對 5.生肖配對 6.測字算命...
吉祥起名與算命取名專業版 was removed
本APP是依台灣各縣市以及各鄉鎮區加以分類,收錄一萬七千多筆台灣各地的旅遊景點、民宿、美食等詳細介紹,讓使用者一次擁有台灣各地旅遊資訊,是手機最佳的行動導遊。本APP主要功能與特色:※ 簡單的介面,分類清楚的條列式商家清單,讓使用者方便使用,並且快速上手。※ 可離線使用。本APP百分之七十以上的功能是不須要上網,只有在配合Google地圖與尋找景點附近旅遊資訊時,才需要連線。※...