The Chinese University of Hong Kong Published Applications :

The Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong serves the community by collecting, preserving, researching and exhibiting a wide range of artifacts illuminating the rich arts, humanities, and...
United College, founding College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, introduces this mobile platform to facilitate the interaction between teachers and students in the General Education...
本程式由香港中文大學中醫學院製作,目的主要方便學習針灸人士可隨時隨地覆習經脈與穴位的相關資料, 並簡單介紹學習針灸的基本知識, 令學習針灸人士對針灸學有基本概念, 可以在經驗豐富的註冊中醫師指導下更有效地學習博大精深的針灸術。本程式內容包括:(1) 十二經脈和奇經八脈的經脈走向, 並附以圖解。(2) 詳列397個穴位 (包括36個經外奇穴) 的定位、主治、解剖及針灸法等資料。(3)...
本程式由香港中文大學中醫學院製作, 介紹如何運用穴位按摩舒緩50種平日常見的如流鼻血, 宿醉, 落枕等症狀。本程式內容包括:(1) 介紹50種平日常見的健康問題, 以及可以舒緩該症狀的相關穴位。(2) 附以圖片介紹穴位的位置, 其功效及按摩手法。(3) 圖片可以手指點擊放大, 縮小及移動。(4) 有繁體及簡體中文,...
MED.CUHK was removed
CUHK Mobile aims at helping students, staff, alumni and visitors of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to know more about our University and get the latest campus updates anywhere anytime. By...
PhysioApp is a mobile application that allows you to have a more complete understanding of how both respiratory and cardiovascular systems change in response to exercise. In this App, you get the...
The Health Science App (HSapp) is an automarking application that allows students to wirelessly work on topic-specific exercises that are related to Health Sciences I which is one of the courses...